Video Transcription (AI-Generated may contain spelling/grammar inaccuracies) So what role do environmental toxins play in the initiation of auto-immune disease? We saw Dr. Arsito Vojdani at the conference, and we sat down...
The Role of Chemical Triggers in Autoimmunity by Aristo Vojdani PhD
Video Transcription (AI-Generated may contain spelling/grammar inaccuracies) Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen if you look right over here what is written there breakspear since 1982 and i know dr. Monroe since 1985 so probably three...
COVID-19 Testing – How Much Do We Know by Aristo Vojdani PhD
But the first antibody produced against the virus in the first two weeks is IgM antibody. That IgM stays in the body for about eight weeks. The peak is at four weeks, so do not do that test only two weeks after being infected because the...
The Science Behind The Autoimmune Viral Trio Panel by Dr. Aristo Vojdani PhD
Hi, this is Dr. Aristo Vojdani. I'm an immunologist technical director of immuno sciences laboratories. I'm going to talk about the importance of measuring IgG and IgM against three different viruses. Epstein-Barr virus, herpes type six...
Autoimmune Viral Trio Panel Explained by Dr. Aristo Vojdani PHD
Interviewer (00:00): Good morning, Dr. Woods Dani. Good morning. I recently heard that you came out with a new test called the auto immune viral trio panel. Can you tell me a little bit about this test? Dr. Vojdani (00:12): Um, as you...