Abundant research has mapped the inflammatory pathways leading to autoimmunity and neuroinflammatory disorders. The latest T helper to be identified, Th17, through its proinflammatory cytokine IL-17, plays a pathogenic role in many inflammatory conditions. Today,...
Improved Immune Activation Markers in Chronic Fatigue and Immune Dysfunction Syndrome (CFIDS) Patients Treated with Thymic Protein A
Purpose: To evaluate the effects of the orally administered thymic protein A on clinical blood parameters and the subjective symptoms common to patients with chronic fatigue and immune dysfunction syndrome (CFIDS). Materials and Methods: A novel immune modulator,...
Detection of IgE, IgG, IgA and IgM antibodies against raw and processed food antigens
Despite the first documented case of food allergy to cooked food in 1921 by Prausnitz and Kustner, all commercial food antigens are prepared from raw food. Furthermore, all IgE and IgG antibodies against dietary proteins offered by many clinical laboratories are...
The Immunology of Immediate and Delayed Hypersensitivity Reaction to Gluten
The immunology of gluten hypersensitivity and celiac disease has been pursued with significant interest in the past 20 years. For the prevention of systemic diseases, most pathogens that gain entry into our bodies must be met with an effective immune response, yet in...