Intestinal T cells from gluten sensitivity/celiac disease patients respond to a heterogeneous array of peptides. Our study extended this heterogeneity to humoral immune response to various wheat proteins and peptides in patients with gluten sensitivity or Crohn's...
The Prevalence of Antibodies against Wheat and Milk Proteins in Blood Donors and Their Contribution to Neuroimmune Reactivities
The aim of this study was to look for the presence of IgG, IgM, and IgA antibodies against two widely consumed foods, wheat and milk, in a relatively large number of specimens. As wheat, milk, and their antigens have been found to be involved in neuroimmune disorders,...
Gluten and Non-Gluten Proteins of Wheat as Target Antigens in Autism, Crohn’s and Celiac Disease
Studies show that patients with celiac disease react not only with gluten wheat proteins but also with non-gluten wheat components. Our goal was to measure IgG or IgA antibodies against wheat proteins or peptides that would provide the most sensitive method for the...